Can I change the status (open, close, soft close, etc.) of a period for all my funds at one time?

1 min. readlast update: 10.18.2023

**To select ALL funds at one time

Go to General Ledger -> Funds Period Status Change (GL0048) -> Enter the Period you want to update -> Select the Status you want to change the funds to


Do a Lookup for the ‘Funds’ field


As shown below All of the funds will be selected -> Select ‘Done’ -> Select ‘OK’ to make these changes �


**To select only Specific funds

Go to General Ledger -> Funds Period Status Change (GL0048) -> Enter the Period you want to update -> Select the Status you want to change the funds to

Do a Lookup for the ‘Funds’ field -> Select the specific fund you would like to change -> Select OK.

You will see the funds you wish to change displayed on your screen -> Select Done -> Select OK to make these changes.


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