Attachments - what is meant by the Viewable by All, Reviewer, and Internal Use Only options?

1 min. readlast update: 08.17.2023

These are security settings for files that are attached to Keystone's database:

  • Viewable by All – Viewable in Keystone Client and in KeyNet. No security restrictions. In other words, if the user can view the related item (e.g., employee, purchase order, etc.), they can view this attachment. Note: this is the default security setting if the document was attached in KeyNet.
  • Reviewer/Manager –  Viewable in Keystone Client, but only by the manager/supervisor in KeyNet (who has the MANAGER role).
  • Internal Use Only – Viewable in Keystone Client; not viewable in KeyNet. Note: this is the default security setting if the document was attached in Keystone Client. 

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