An employee had a deduction incorrectly withheld in the last pay. How do I fix this?

1 min. readlast update: 04.24.2024

If the amount needs updated for all future payrolls:

Go to Employee Maintenance (KE0001) -> Enter the Employee Number-> Select the Deductions button (KE0030)



Manually enter the correct per payroll amount in the Deduction Rate field.



If the deduction is set up as a percentage, it will automatically change to a Type 1 / Flat Dollar Amount. Select DONE and OK all the way out.

Note: An asterisk (*) will appear next to the deduction rate if it has been manually changed.

This change will not show up in the payroll until you run Set Up Payrol Parameters (KE0159) and Calculate Payroll (KE0125).

If the amount needs overidden for one payroll:

Go to Maintain Employee Payroll Transactions (KE0066) -> Enter the Employee Number-> Select the Deductions & Taxes batch



Entered the corrected Deduction Amount, Benefit Amount and/or Wages and enter an O in the far right box to hold the override. 


Note: Refunds would be entered as a negative amount.

Select Calculate Pay to see the full results of your override. 

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