Accounts Payable Check Code Set Up for Direct Deposits

2 min. readlast update: 06.14.2024

NOTE: You can find documentation for the full Accounts Payable Direct Deposit process by going  on to the Client Care website under Documents, User Manuals then Disbursements. ) Accounts Payable Direct Deposit.pdf (

1. Setting Up Direct Deposit Parameters for ACH 

Note: Prior to creating Direct Deposits, you need to set up your Direct Deposit Parameters (Original ACH/Direct Deposit Parameters (KF1001), Second ACH/Direct Deposit Parameters (KF1003), or Third ACH/Direct Deposit Parameters (KF1004). 

Go to the FIS System Administration Menu, Disbursements, Direct Deposit, Original/Second/Third ACH/Direct Deposit Parameters. Select the screen based off of the settings you chose on the Check Code File Maintenance (LG0448) screen.

2. Setting Up a Check Code for Direct Deposit

Go to FIS System Administration, Control File Maintenance Menu, System General Ledger Parameters, Check Code File Maintenance (LG0448).

To set up a check code for a direct deposit transaction enter information into the following fields: Check Code, Bank Statement Id, DescriptionWhich ACH File, Next Number, Funds and Bank Account #. This should be set up the same way as any other check code except the user needs to make sure the Purpose is flagged as ACH (Automated Clearing House).

Note: If you filled out the Original ACH/Direct Deposit Parameters (KF1001) screen, you will need to select Original from the drop down for the Which ACH file. If you filled out the other ACH (Second ACH/Direct Deposit Parameters (KF1003), or Third ACH/Direct Deposit Parameters (KF1004)) screens you will need to select the proper option for those screens from the drop down. 

The Next Number field can be any starting point in a numerical series (**NOTE: This is not required for the ACH process).

3. Flagging a Vendor with a Specific Check Code

Go to Purchasing, Vendor Maintenance and Reports, Vendor Maintenance (PO1202), Enter or Look Up the vendor number, Select the Banking button, Enter the check code into the Default Check Code field. To attach the check code to a vendor go to go into the vendor (PO1202) and put that check code.

4. Setting a Default Check Code System - Wide

Go to FIS System Administration, Control File Maintenance, Financial System Parameters, Financials Site Control Parameters (LG0144), Select A/P button (LG0541). Here you can enter a Default Check Code, Default Manual Ck Check Cd, and Default Credit Card Check Code






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